4) A ring jewel within the mechanism was installed off center. A driver's dashcam footage obtained by Fox News Digital shows the . He served as Director of Naval Intelligence from September 1974 to July 1976, then moved to the Defense Intelligence Agency where he served as Vice Director until 1977. ), The sensational charges against Lundeen, which were never proven or disproven were first raised by muckracking syndicated columnists Drew Pearson and Robert Allen, who reported two weeks later that the rabid pro-German isolationist was under investigation at the time of his death., According to the columnists, Suspicion had been directed in Senator Lundeens direction after many mysterious visits to his office on the part of George Sylvester Viereck, famous German propagandist and a self-avowed friend of Adolph Hitlers Germany. Whether Reuther's death was part of a broader agenda to decapitate and demoralize the mass movements of that day, or whether such an agenda existed at all, are questions that go beyond the scope of our inquiry. Considering the fact that the DFP and the DN operate within the sphere of, the UAWs World Headquarters, you would expect for them to have the most. The technical part of the report was like a foreign language to me. NAS holds out the possibility the anthrax producer may have gotten it from somewhere else, that it was possible to get similar genetic results from other means (that is, suggesting thats not the only way to have produced the samples found in the letter). He is based at Detroit, and flies regularly in the companys northern division, from Detroit to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and to Cleveland, Akron and Pittsburgh. We knew that right away, MASON said. A . For these, things he earned the enmity of people in high places. Chuck Todd told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) to go back on his "partisan cable cocoon" during a heated interview after the Republican railed about Hunter Biden on Sunday (You can watch the two go back-and-forth below).. Johnson diverted the discussion from the discovery of President Joe Biden's classified documents to a familiar GOP talking point about investigating Hunter Biden's laptop . Lovettsville Game Protective Association, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville High School (1910), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Library, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Post Office (1937-1961), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Town Hall, Lovettsville, Virginia, McClains Grocery, Lovettsville, Virginia, Historical Photographs of Lovettsville, Virginia, 1940 Lovettsville Airline Disaster Archive, Revolutionary War Veterans of Lovettsville. Does false consciousness exist? U.S. Sen. Ernest P. Lundeen died 69 years ago this week in a crash that remains shrouded in mystery. It is wasting our resources that we need at home and it is tarnishing our moral credentials in the world." I, had always viewed the information given by our media with a great deal of, skepticism, but now I know more than ever that we must find as many sources, as possible to seek the truth for ourselves. and other parties may have been involved in Walter Reuthers death? He took the technicians' word there was no evidence of sabotage. This finding was based on a test during which the rocking shaft "calibration arm set screw was loosened. 14 May. There were several unusual defects noted, 1) A brass screw was found loose in the instrument case. However, he had to temporarily step aside because his appointment expired the day of the election rather than at the end of Lundeens term. He had recently announced his candidacy for, president on March 16, 1968 and had just finished giving a speech to his, All of these men were heavily involved in civil rights and the move toward, social justice for all Americans. The plane hit . LUNDEEN NOTED AS ISOLATIONIST; WRECKAGE AND TWO OF VICTIMS IN AIR CRASH Times Wide World Wired Photo Sept. 1, 1940 The New York Times Archives See the article in its original context from. He eventually won a seat in the U.S. House again, as a Farmer Laborite, and was accused by Republican rivals of being a Communist sympathizer for sponsoring the Workers Unemployment Insurance Bill and addressing a meeting of Friends of the Soviet Union at Madison Square Garden. The crash was a head-scratcher. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons license. http://www.google.com/search?q=secretary+lundeen+weeping&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a#q=secretary+lundeen+weeping&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbm=bks&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wp&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=7694d34fae9de011&biw=790&bih=476, Treason: the story of disloyalty and betrayal in American history, Nathaniel Weyl - 1950 - 491 pages - Snippet view. You're going up against an instrument pilot who's been through partial panel training, where you have a failure of half your critical instruments. There it disintegrated completely. In the wreckage was his pro-Nazi Labor Day speech written by an agent of Hitler's government who paid him to promote Nazi propaganda. News accounts at the time reported that it was the worst disaster in U.S. commercial aviation history. The right engine ingested wood and. The Kollsman report concluded: "Considerable reinspection of altimeters of same repair history is recommended to ensure that the altimeters in service are in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended standards regarding parts used, assembly techniques, and calibration/compensation." Lundeen's husband, who had been tragically killed in a plane crash near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia two years earlier, was reportedly under investigation by the FBI at the time of his death. Walter Reuther presented a very real threat to our political establishment. This personality tranformation, called once famously a "trance-formation," was induced by the hyper-raumatizing, savage rape, torture and murder of innocent children in front of other children such as myself. But miraculously, a copy of the speech Lundeen planned to give at a Labor Day event in Minnesota was found unscathed in the Virginia countryside, which was scattered with body parts and debris from the crash. There are a number of posts already on this thread telling you this, but you don't seem to be replying to the opinion of many who take issue with the tone and the hypocrisy some of his perceive as an "opening shot" in your thread opener. If the screw was loose, it would have left the high by 200-300 feet. It carries a crew of two and six passengers at nearly 600 miles per hour. He. M. P. MAHAN, 1788 Lender Place, Washington, D. C. He was constantly a thorn in Reuthers side and Reuther could do, nothing without Hoover documenting the details.14, As if Walter Reuthers stance on business, political, and social policies, 1) Reuther ran ads in the national media and appeared before congressional, committees to denounce the war and call for drastic cuts in the military, 2) In January of 1970, three months before the crash, President Richard. Victor Reuther wrote: "I was still in Paris when the transfer of the $50 bills took place. metal from the airplane and also flamed out. In early 1968 the UAW withdrew from the AFL-CIO and joined forces with the Teamsters and two smaller unions to form the Alliance for Labor Action (ALA), with a membership totaling over four million. There was also a radar altimeter. His role was to use his talents as an orator in 1905 he was University of Minnesotas champion of debate and oratory to help the German government. Pip mentions that there was absolutely no sign of trouble reported at the. You suspect "the MSM has not shown the integrity or accuracy in its reporting and choices of what to cover" re:the crash (among other incidents) but I see no signs you looked at more than 1 or 2 articles. The set screw was put back in place. The four members of the crew killed included Pilot LOWELL SCROGGINS, the Airlines oldest pilot in point of service, who was at the controls of the first ship dispatched from Washington by the company thirteen years ago. Those included being able to mail out thousands of copies of speeches written by Viereck at taxpayer expense thanks to the Congress franking, or paid postage, privileges. None of the hearers, however, were able to determine whether the plane had motor trouble. There was an indentation adjacent to the missing set screw hole. He tried undercover techniques to keep me from finding out how he spent it. Lundeen, 62, was among 25 passengers of the plane, which also carried two FBI agents and another Justice Department official. facts? A. MOCK, Washington, D. C. Many thanks to Stu Beitler athttp://www3.gendisasters.com/virginia/2406/lovettsville-va-air-disaster-aug-1940?page=0,0, Copyright 2023 Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum. A plane crash has killed at least 68 people, according to Nepal's . ", Said Maloney: "I think the American people have been insulted. Harold Stassen. NIXON called this "submission to blackmail.". In 1933 Victor and Walter Reuther had lived and worked in the Soviet Union. Memo: Biden has document troubles, House GOP on the march with its agenda, A primer on the marijuana legalization proposal that could become law in Minnesota, My reflections on running for Congress to represent southern Minnesota. When the United States entered the war, he served in the OSS. The National Transportation Safety Board report stated that "while all systems were irreparably damaged [including the co-pilot's altimeter], information was nevertheless obtained from a few units. Both papers had many details about his life and the plane crash that killed. The FBI still refuses to turn over nearly 200 pages of documents regarding Reuther's death, including the copious correspondence between field offices and Hoover. LOVETTSVILLE, VA. Paul Wellstone wasnt the first U.S. senator from Minnesota to die in a plane crash. You can also learn about all our free newsletter options. But unlike the Wellstone tragedy, the cause of the crash that killed the first-term Farmer-Labor senator remains shrouded in mystery nearly three quarters of a century later. This was why it popped out. I've gone too far to turn back," he said. Certainly, the fact is mentioned that before, during, and after 1940, Herr H*tler ran Nazi operations on US soil. In the future he probably would have, he was a wonderful guy and it's too bad he didn't come around earlier. JOHN HEINZ CRASH Officials place a body bag on a stretcher next to the wreckage of the plane carrying U.S. He had been with the company three years. The altimeter looked intact, even though it had been tampered with. I'm convinced there was tampering with the altimeter and, although the plane was on the ground for only a short time, it was time enough. The Wonderful Life and Strange Death, 5) Mollison, Andrew. [Reuther, Victor The Brothers Reuther Houghton-Mifflin 1976; NYT 5.8.67, 5.11.1970; Kollsman and Barfield reports; NTSB records], In April 1993, Victor Reuther received documentation of the preceding information. The aircraft was part of the 228th Squadron RAF. In C. Wright Mill's words: "What people are interested in is not always what is to their interest; the troubles they are aware of are not always the ones that beset them. The Communist Party of the United States of America had tried to recruit Walter Reuther, but was unsuccessful. Does Rep. Pete Stauber know the difference between the agencies he oversees? Ham Fish strode in with majestic dignity. The Lear Jet is. No evidence of a fire or an explosion or engine trouble. He was very confident in his talent as a public speaker, Ostermeier said. With all of, this information being public knowledge and not to mention a sensational, story, why did only one of the newspapers (DFP), provide any in-depth, reporting into the possibility of assassination? None this precludes the possibility that the plane might have be sabotaged, after all Ruether had a lot of powerful enemies but light is not going to be shown on the case by the likes of Weberman, he should stick to ruffling through peoples trash. So the poor are defined as "the poverty problem." Is it such a stretch to assume that our government. The worst disaster in the history of U. S. Commercial aviation occurred near here late today what all 25 persons aboard a Pennsylvania Central airliner crashed to their deaths at the height of a terrific rainstorm. He notes that witnesses saw the planes, bright landing lights wink on as it approached the field. The Wonderful Life and Strange Death, 4) Parenti, Michael and Peggy Norton. On April 4, 1991, the day before Tower died in the plane crash in Georgia, Heinz was killed in a freakish mid-air crash . Lundeen was a senator from Minnesota and was a Farmer-Labor. and that this was the question that faced them. The altimeter, however, had only been partially opened by crash events and the rocking shaft in question was still shielded by the altimeter's case. He stated: "I've had very strong suspicions from the day the accident occurred. Consider the assassinations of the following individuals: 1) John Fitzgerald Kennedy our 35th president was murdered on November 22, 1963 while visiting Dallas, Texas. with an altimeter setting 29.75 inches" This was similar to the altimeter reading uncovered after the crash of October 1964. Why would a regional paper totally ignore the president of the, largest labor union in the country? Were happy to make this story available to republish for free under anAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons licenseas long as you follow ourrepublishing guidelines. Reuthers stance on civil rights for African-Americans and the social. On August 31, 1940, a Pennsylvania Central Airlines DC-3 crashed into farm fields near Lovettsville in Loudoun County during a storm. When we plowed our garden, we found pieces of the airplane and even a human tooth, she said. time (of the crash). He was elected as a Republican to the Minnesota state House and in 1916 to represent a Hennepin County-based district in the House of Representatives. . Although funding non-communist labor unions was a common practice, had Walter Reuther misappropriated any of these funds, the CIA would have been able to get a handle on him. The FAA/NTSB found "no indication of sabotage." Certainly in the context of the rest of the post the message being comported was that you suspected the crash was not accidental. U.S. A Yonkers gang member who set off a vicious attack by more than a dozen people when he knocked a man unconscious with a tequila bottle was sentenced on Friday to 12 years in state prison. All such details had faded into a fog. heads, and rival unionists to prove that they were communist sympathizers. Victor Reuther named CIA labor operatives and CIA-founded unions. An examination of the reports by Barfield and Kollsman Instruments, on which the National Transportation Safety Board based their findings, told a different story. Among the 21 passengers on the capacity filled plane was Senator ERNEST LUNDEEN, Farmer-Laborite, of Minnesota. The file documented Reuther's leadership role in progressive and antiwar organizations. .. Heres what remains of each of these 7 pieces of evidence: 1. A recent government report found it to be "outmoded" and "overloaded.". The accident, investigators said that the twin jet engines of the plane that carried, Walter Reuther and five others to their deaths had flamed out after striking, trees before the crash. Vietnam soured the relationship between Johnson and my brother.". Sort By. I was impressed with the honesty of the people who were doing this." MinnPost's in-depth, independent news is free for all to access no paywall or subscriptions. MinnPost | P.O. 8) Martin Luther King-A Historical Examination. They had no power to, recover. Another webpage written by Webberman* has what purports to be links to images of the Kollsman Report but they are dead and there is no trace of them on the Internet Archive (as if they never existed). Norma Lundeen: I am the widow of Ernest Lundeen, United States senator from Minnesota, who was killed in an airplane crash on August 31, 1940. It was on page two and it appeared in a. regular section called The News-Briefly. In 1938 he severed this association and some years later, after gaining control of the UAW board, he launched a purge of dedicated UAW organizers who were communists or close to the party. Employes of the line at Pitts burgh said another of their planes was flying about eight miles from the scene The company report ed the pilot of that plane report1 ed the weather wasroutine at 3,000 feet and the visibility was good. 1940 air crash took a toll not soon forgotten. His father, Valentine, a socialist, trained. In 1949, he played a key role in the expulsion of eleven unions accused of being communist-led. Compare yourself and your background, attempting to set the boundaries beyond which you perceive, is the unreasonable, irrational, wilderness of thought and research, with the assertion, sworn to in court, of this super serious, establishment intelligence leader, a man who has devoted his career to "keeping us safe". there were a number of fatal accidents. Eight months before his death, Reuther reflected on the broader dimensions of labor's struggle: "The labor movement is about changing society . It was suggested to the FBI by one of its informants that Walter Reuther's anti-communism was insincere, and merely a self-serving ruse in his quest for power. Lundeen was not a part of the efforts to commit violence. Polis. The last time that a former US Senator was killed in a plane crash was in April 1991 when former Texas Senator John Tower was one of the 23 passengers and crew members killed in the crash of an Atlantic Southeast Airlines Embraer Brasilia near . 5) A second rocking shaft rear support pivot was incorrect. was a sham. 48 Shooting, Still Unsolved, Sent Family into. (Equally ironic is the fact that Rep. Larry McDonald, the Georgia Democrat who headed the anti-communist John Birch Society, was killed on Sept. 1, 1983, along with 268 others whentheir Korean Air jetliner was shot down by Soviet interceptors after it strayed into Soviet air space enroute to Seoul from Alaska. Of the Vietnam war, Walter Reuther had stated: "It has divided this nation. Victor Reuther wondered if organized crime or the Communist Party was involved. Reuther said: I went to the icebox to get a bowl of fruit salad, my wife was just a foot from me. The jet engines were immediately stopped by the branches. In his early Detroit days, Walter had formed an alliance with communists within the union in order to combat conservative labor factions and company bosses. One can imagine that this was not well received by the Nixon White House. Viereck was on trial, charged with failing to tell the State Department all about his activities. The fact it was a war surplus altimeter is strange. In recent decades, organized labor has endured a serious battering from conservative interests in both government and the corporate world. WHEN MINNESOTA SENATOR ERNEST LUNDEEN WAS KILLED IN A PLANE CRASH over Virginia on August 31, 1940, the Republican governor was able, according to the rules, to appoint a fellow Republican to fill the senator's seat. Viereck then instructed him to mail out, under frank of Minnesota's late Senator Ernest Lundeen, copies of an isolationist speech Lundeen made in the Senate. By Albert Eisele Sept. 3, 2009 Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society Ernest. I couldnt get up, and I lay there flat, on my back for a second or two. Another Justice Department prosecutor failed to convict the accused seditionists after a wild trial that featured 22 defense attorneys filing thousands of motions and the death of the judge, causing a mistrial. Its wings flew off. Post your ratings of these three choices. . When, Victor Reuther was interview many years after the fatal crash he said I, and other family members are convinced that both the fatal crash and the, near fatal one in 1968 were not accidental.3, There was only one article in the Detroit Free Press that detailed some of, the previous murder attempts on the lives of Walter and Victor Reuther. Adjacent to the wreckage of the plane carrying U.S found loose in the case! Was no evidence of a fire or an explosion or engine trouble commercial aviation history to. County during a storm carried two FBI agents and another Justice Department official time. 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